Providential's Hercules (Hercules RETIRED)
Providential's Hercules (Hercules RETIRED)
- Health Panel (Embark)
- IABCA Champion
- OFA (Coming Soon)
Pedigree For: | Parents: | Grand Parents: | Great Grand Parents: | Great Great Grand Parents: |
Karbits Eye of the Tiger (Hunter)
OFA, Hunter Pedigree
Providential's Hercules (Hercules RETIRED)
Health Panel (Embark), CGC, IABCA Champion, OFA (Coming Soon), VGL
Rainbows and Unicorns (Rainbow RETIRED!)
Embark, Eyes - OFA normal by Board Certified Opthamologist, Hips - PO-24856G30F-VPI, Diversity Testing UCDavis VGL, Pedigree